September 15, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Visa operator resumes operation of Greek visa centers in Russia

Visa operator GVCW resumes the work of visa centers in the regions of Russia: now ten institutions are working, and from April 21, four more will open.

“Visa centers for Greece in Moscow, Novorossiysk, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg are already open for applicants. Offices in Arkhangelsk, Krasnodar, Murmansk, Petrozavodsk, Pskov, as well as Rostov-on-Don began to work from April 19. Visa centers in Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk and Samara resume work from April 21. Offices accept applications only by online appointment, – the company said in a statement.

The visa operator informs that the rest of the centers have temporarily suspended their activities until further instructions, and the existing ones accept applications only by online appointment.

When visiting, visitors are measured temperature and asked to wear a mask and gloves. “To minimize any additional health risks, applicants are strongly encouraged to use a courier delivery service to obtain their passport,” it said.

It is noted that visa centers in Moscow will also work on holidays – May 3 and 10 – by appointment.

According to the rules, all travelers must submit a negative test for COVID-19 in English before boarding, and complete an online PLF (Passenger Locator Form) 48 hours before entering Greece. Also, tourists need to undergo an express test to detect the SARS-CoV-2 antigen and observe quarantine for seven days.

We will remind, from April 19, the Greek authorities canceled the mandatory quarantine period for a period of 7 days for tourists from Russia. So far, at least until May 14, up to 4 thousand people are allowed from Russia to Greece every week.

Last Saturday, Notis Marias, a former MEP and leader of the Greece – Another Way party, proposed canceling a visa for Russian tourists and taking advantage of the fact that Turkey is closed due to the coronavirus.

The leader of the political party said that Greece can take advantage of the current situation related to the restriction of flights to Turkey by the Russian authorities. The abolition of the mandatory visa will attract millions of Russians to Greece.

The leader of the political party said that Greece can take advantage of the current situation related to the restriction of flights to Turkey by the Russian authorities. The abolition of the compulsory visa will attract millions of Russians to Greece.

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