July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The rapist shaved the girl and took away her personal documents

A 25-year-old young woman filed a complaint with the police in the Nea Smirni metropolitan area, according to which a 40-year-old man allegedly raped her in the presence of four people, tonsured her, and then confiscated her mobile phone and personal documents.

According to the SKAI channel, it all started last Thursday in Nea Smyrni, when a man invited the girl to visit, where he allegedly immobilized her (put on handcuffs) and raped her in the presence of four people.

According to the information, his actions were recorded by a camera installed in the room. The rapist then forced the girl to take a bath and then, threatening with a baseball bat and a pistol, shaved part of her head.

The criminal, who was previously involved in drug trafficking, according to the information of the authorities, took away the mobile phone and personal documents from the 25-year-old girl, and then kicked out of the house.

At 4 o’clock in the morning, the young lady turned to the Nea-Smyrni security department, being in a serious psychological and physical condition. The police immediately drew up a plan of the operation to arrest the criminal.

With the assistance of OPKE and the drug-related crime unit, law enforcement officers Nea Smirni broke into the suspect’s house, finding there, in addition to the owner of the apartment, another person.

The defendant, as it turned out, was in the field of view of the police, since there was information on him that he was engaged in drug trafficking. Moreover, in the past he was already deported from the country, and he was banned from entering for 10 years.

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