September 20, 2024

Athens News

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Bill Gates: “If we avoid a major war, there will be another pandemic”

Bill Gates has made some very alarming statements in which he said that “if we avoid a major war, then yes, there will be another pandemic, possibly within the next 25 years”!

Forecasts of a person closely connected with the theory Klaus Schwab and believer in the doctrine of the “Great Reset”, give cause for concern, since this system, in order to impose their “pious” philosophywould agree to such a major catastrophe as a global nuclear war (very likely at this stage) or a truly deadly pandemic. After such a shock, what is left of humanity will easily agree to anything, just to return to its previous state.

Scientists generally view pandemics as possible and even inevitable over time, but for Gates and others who played a role key role in the creation pandemics in terms of keeping people in their homes, The question is not whether another pandemic will happen soon, but whether countries will be prepared for it. «The country that the world expected to be a leader and a role model has failed to live up to those expectations,” says Gates, referring to the United States.

In 2022, Gates wrote a book “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic”in which he accused several governments, including the United States, of being insufficiently prepared for 2020. In the book, he made several recommendations for countries around the world, including strengthening quarantine policies, investing in disease surveillance, and strengthening vaccine research and development. Despite some progress thanks to increased spending on pandemic preparedness in the U.S. and elsewhere, Gates argues that the global response is still inadequate.

«Although from the pandemic [коронавируса] some lessons were learned, [их оказалось] much less than I expected, unfortunately,” says Gates. The political divisions that many believe have hampered the global response to Covid-19 still stand in the way of adequate preparation for the next outbreak, Gates adds: “To gather together our thoughts about what [мы сделали] good, but what's not so good, it still doesn't work out… Maybe in the next five years the situation will improve. But so far it has been quite unexpected.”

It is worth noting that Bill Gates has been changing the focus of his business for many years: he has moved away from computers and information technology, and is buying up huge tracts of agricultural land in North America. In these territories, he deals with food products and vaccines – very profitable goods during the crisis.

Reference. Klaus Schwab's Theory and Doctrine “The Great Reset” related to his book “COVID-19: The Great Reset”co-written with Thierry Malleret. This book was published in 2020 and caused a great stir. The main ideas of the “Great Reset”:
1. Economic recovery: Schwab and Malleret propose using the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity for a global economic restart aimed at sustainable development and fight against inequality.
2. The Fourth Industrial Revolution: The book discusses technologies such as artificial intelligence and automation that could change economy and society.
3. Social change: the authors emphasize the need to revise social contracts and improve working conditions and life for all people.

These ideas have attracted both support and criticism. Some believe that “The Great Reset” could lead to a more just and sustainable world, while others fear it could to strengthen control over society.

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