June 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The management of the tax office of Chalkida took bribes and extorted money from businessmen

It is no secret to the residents of Greece that during the rule of the New Democracy party, corruption flourished in the country. Another example of this statement was the arrest of the leadership of the tax service of Chalkis.

The head of this Δ.Ο.Υ was a person from the close circle of the head of AADE G. Pitsilis and has been in this post since December 31, 2018, by his decision. Arrested E.T., who is accused by the Greek police of being the director of this Δ.Ο.Υ, participated in a wide group of tax officials and others outside the department, acting as a “criminal organization”, managed to benefit financially from a total of €95,600 (at a minimum) for private individuals and business taxpayers.

This tax inspector was appointed on December 31, 2018 by the Deputy Director of Δ.Ο.Υ Chalkida Mr. Pitsilis with decision number 1192139 EX 2018/31-12-2018. After 4 years, 2 months and 7 days, by another decision of Mr. Pitsilis, under the number ΔΔΑΔ Γ 1031173 ΕΞ 2023/7-3-2023, this lady was promoted to director (manager) of the same Δ.Ο.Υ

In total, E.T. worked at Δ.Ο.Υ Chalkida for over 5 years (5 years 4 months and 21 days to be exact), from 12/31/2018 until the day before yesterday (5/21/2024) when she was arrested. This tax inspector had excellent relations with the New Democracy party.

On 9 February 2024, at an event of the Hellenic Economic Chamber, she was awarded by Deputy Minister of the Mitsotakis Government and former tax inspector, Member of Parliament from the New Democracy Party. In particular, at the pita cutting event of the 9th Regional Section of East-Central Greece Economic Chamber, Mrs. E.T. was selected for the award.

She was presented with a certificate of honor by former tax inspector, current Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Insurance, and current MP from ND, Mr. Vasilios Spanakis, and MP from Evia from the New Republic, Ms. Constantina Karampatsoli.

Of course, it should be noted that awarding a lady a deputy minister and a deputy from New Democracy does not mean that they have anything to do with the activities of this lady. This simply means that the head of Δ.Ο.Υ of Chalcis had very close relationship with New Democracy and seeks to extend them to the government environment. The criminal organization in which Ms. E.T. allegedly participated was liquidated by the Internal Affairs Service of the Security Corps.

According to the results of the investigation conducted by this service, the organization included tax officials and individuals who actively assisted, acted or failed to act in tax procedures, and also extorted money from entrepreneurs in order to obtain sums of money.

To expose the organization, the day before yesterday a police operationwithin the framework of which a total of 7 people were arrested, of which 5 were employees and 2 private individuals, and 6 more people appeared in the case materials. A case has been opened against them – under some articles – for organizing a criminal community, professional and repeated bribery of an employee, violation of official duties, extortion and attempted extortion, professional bribery of an employee and weapons. According to ΕΛ.ΑΣa complaint was filed against two officials who, using their status, demanded and received sums of money in exchange for not blocking VAT refund procedures for beneficiaries.

As emphasized in the corresponding report, within the framework of the investigation, during which special methods and evidence were used, obtained as a result of the assessment and analysis of information and preliminary data, the existence of a criminal organization was revealed, consisting of employees and individuals (process accountants), hierarchically structured and with defined roles, as well as a subgroup consisting of two members.

As it turned out, since at least November 2023, members of the organization have been engaged in facilitating, omitting or acting in the conduct of tax competence procedures contrary to their official duties, as well as extorting entrepreneurs, taking advantage of their status, demanding sums of money as compensation in order to process their unresolved tax questions.

In addition, as the police noted, the leader of the organization, who headed the tax officers, coordinated the receipt and distribution of money among other members. At the same time, while communicating with the subgroup, she provided relevant information about the companies to continue their criminal activities.

The criminal scheme has been in operation since at least November 2023. After a long secret investigation Internal Affairs Service of the Security Corps police arrested on Tuesday May 22 a businessman who had just paid the director 10,000 euros – the amount with which she blackmailed him in order to prevent tax control. In her office, police found the amount paid, as well as €40,000 in cash at her home.

Tax inspectors arrested for extorting money from local businessmen

Among other things, the following items were discovered and confiscated (see photo above):

  • money totaling 78,795 euros,
  • 10 mobile phones,
  • 4 notebooks with handwritten notes,
  • several photocopies of tax files
  • a double-barreled shotgun for which there was no permit.

During the investigation, 17 cases of extortion were discovered (proven), from which the organization received illegal benefits in the amount of 95,600 euros over three months. Most likely, the amounts and period of activity were much larger, but we will learn about this based on the results of the investigation.

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