September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Find out how much electricity "eats" your air conditioner per hour – the role of proper maintenance

It's the end of May, but the hot weather is already making itself felt, and some people have already turned on their air conditioners. And the main question that arises is how much electricity it “eats” per hour.

For comparison, an older air conditioner consumes more than a newer one. For example, a relatively old 12,000 BTU air conditioner in cooling mode consumes 30% more than a new one, and an inverter air conditioner consumes even less. Here are the prices from the calculation tool ΔΕΗ at a price of 11 cents per kilowatt-hour:

  • Air conditioner 9,000 BTU without inverter 0.18 per hour.
  • Air conditioning 12,000 BTU without inverter 0.25 euros per hour. For 10 hours 2.5 euros.
  • Air conditioning 18.000 BTU without inverter 0.37 euros per hour. For 10 hours a day 3.7 euros.
  • Air conditioning 24.000 BTU without inverter 0.49 euros per hour. For 10 hours 4.9 euros.
  • Air conditioning 9.000 BTU with inverter 0.16 euros per hour.
  • Air conditioning 12.000 BTU with inverter 0.21 euros per hour.
  • Air conditioning 18.000 BTU with inverter 0.31 euros per hour.
  • Air conditioning 24.000 BTU with inverter 0.41 euros per hour.

An important consideration for an air conditioner is its energy rating, which determines how much it “burns,” especially during the summer months when usage increases. In addition, an important point on which its performance depends is proper maintenance and choice of temperature, which, according to experts, is plus or minus 10 degrees from the external temperature, so that it does not work more than necessary. However, this is an approximate value, since final consumption depends on several factors:

  • air conditioner energy consumption class
  • thermal insulation of the room
  • size of the refrigerated room.

The energy consumption of an air conditioner can be significantly reduced if certain conditions are met: the choice of the desired temperature plays a huge role in the final consumption. As a rule, it is recommended to set the air conditioner 10-12 degrees lower than the outside temperature. The greater the deviation from this difference, the harder the air conditioner must work to achieve it, and the more electricity it will burn.

In addition, the greater the temperature difference between the room you are in and the environment, the slower your body will react to the new temperature when changing rooms.

An old, unmaintained air conditioner increases energy consumption because it is forced to work at much higher intensity to achieve the same effect due to low freon levels and the accumulation of dust and dirt. A professional refrigeration technician should service the air conditioners in your premises to ensure they are operating efficiently and safely.


  • The default daily operating hours for each device were selected based on estimated usage in a single household. Therefore, in each specific case, especially in extreme operating conditions (winter/summer), the operating times of some devices may differ from the default values.
  • The electricity cost estimate is an estimate and represents an estimate of your electricity bill.
  • Supply prices and regulated electricity tariffs can be obtained from R.A.E..
  • To compare the proposed electricity tariffs, you can use the price comparison tool R.A.E..

Regulated tariffs include the following:

  1. Fee for using the system (ΧΧΣ) in favor of ΑΔΜΗΕ,
  2. Network usage fee (ΧΧΔ) in favor of ΔΕΔΔΗΕ
  3. utilities (ΥΚΩ);
  4. Special levy for emission reduction (ΕΤΜΕΑΡ).

The cost of electricity also includes a special consumption tax (SCT) of 0.0022 €/kWh and a value added tax (VAT) of 6% of the cost of electricity.

Electricity prices do not include third party charges for:

  1. Municipal taxes (Δημοτικά Τέλη), municipal tax (Δημοτικό Φόρο) and real estate tax (Τέλος Ακίνητης Περιουσίας)
  2. ERT collection;
  3. special tax 5‰ N.2093/92.

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