June 13, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Fine 1200 euros for the bad habit of Greeks at Easter, who is at risk

Drivers who are used to having a drink or two run the risk of “putting their hand deep in their pocket.” Moreover, they endanger both themselves and other road users.

The exodus of citizens is at its peak for Easter, with many leaving the bustling capital. Travelers flood the country's highways and ports, heading to their villages or other places where they can take a break from everyday life.

“Easter holidays” is a period that for many tourists is inextricably linked with revelry and alcohol consumption. However, everyone should remember that if you have been drinking, you should not drive, as there is a risk of causing a serious traffic accident.

We must not forget that any amount of alcohol leads, among other things, to a delay in the driver’s reflexes (doubling, or even tripling the reaction time), a decrease in the perception of space and speed, as well as a feeling of excessive self-confidence.

For example, according to research, one glass of wine reduces the driver's reflexes by half, and three glasses of wine reduce them by up to 80%.

Given the dangers associated with drunk driving, the COC prescribes Severe penalties for those who drive while intoxicated. Fines up to 1200 euros

  • A driver is considered to be intoxicated when the percentage of alcohol in the body is 0.50 grams per liter of blood (0.50 g/l) or more, measured by blood sampling, or 0.25 millimeters of gram per liter of exhaled breath. air and higher if the measurement is made with an appropriate breathalyzer.
  • The fine is 200 euros if the blood alcohol concentration ranges from 0.50 g/l to 0.80 g/l or from 0.25 to 0.40 milligrams per liter of breath when measured using a breathalyzer.
  • The fine reaches 700 euros if the blood alcohol concentration exceeds 0.80 g/l and up to 1.10 g/l or exceeds 0.40–0.60 milligrams per liter of exhaled air. It provides for immediate suspension of your driver's license for 90 days.
  • The fine is 1,200 euros if the blood alcohol concentration exceeds 1.10 g/l or more than 0.60 milligrams per liter of breath. The driver's license is suspended for 180 days and the driver faces imprisonment.

It is worth noting, of course, that it is not KOC fines that should prevent us from driving while intoxicated, but the safety of ourselves and our families, as well as our fellow citizens.

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