September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Eurobarometer poll: 72% of EU citizens and 73% of Greek citizens believe their country has benefited from EU membership

An overwhelming majority of Greeks, 7 in 10, in a Eurobarometer survey* said the country had benefited from membership of the European Union.

According to a survey published today, December 6, six months before the European elections, 73% of Greek citizens and 72% of EU citizens noted benefits from membership in EU. The main reason for 50% of Greek respondents is the EU’s contribution to maintaining peace and strengthening security (34% in the EU). Also for 34% of European respondents, the main reason is improved cooperation between the countries of the union.

87% of Greeks (the third highest figure in the EU after Cyprus and Malta), compared with 70% of Europeans, believe that EU actions affect their daily lives. 45% of Europeans and 43% of Greeks have a positive view of the EU, while 38% of Europeans and Greeks have a neutral opinion, and 16% of Europeans, versus 19% of Greeks, have a negative opinion. For 61% of Europeans, compared with 49% of Greeks, their country’s participation in the EU is a “good thing”.

In response to the point “What issue would you like the European Parliament to make a priority?” Greeks (59%) and more than a third of EU member states (36%) noted the fight against poverty.

The second priority for Greeks is supporting the economy and creating new jobs (54%), for EU citizens this issue is in fourth place (29%). The third priority for Greeks is public health (50%), while for other Europeans health is the second priority (34%). Action against climate change is the third priority for European citizens (29% compared to 26% for Greeks).

To the question “What values ​​should the European Parliament protect first of all?” 38% of Greeks and Europeans say “democracy”. For 38% of Greeks (22% of Europeans), “solidarity between EU member states and between its regions” is equally important, while for 36% of Greeks and 25% of Europeans, “the rule of law” is also a priority.

Socio-economic difficulties continue to affect many Europeans, even though indicators have improved somewhat over the past six months. 73% of EU respondents, down 6 percentage points from spring 2023, believe their standard of living will worsen next year. Also, 47% of European citizens, versus 70% of Greeks (the second highest percentage after Cyprus), believe that their standard of living has already declined and expect this to continue next year. The majority of respondents in the 22 EU member states feel the same way.

58% of Greek respondents are interested in the European elections in June 2024, compared to 57% of EU citizens (6 points higher than in autumn 2018).

77% of Greeks versus 53% of Europeans want the European Parliament to play a more important role (majority opinion in 21 member states). To the question “When will the next elections to the European Parliament take place?” Only 18% of Greeks gave the correct answer, compared to 28% of Europeans.

To the question “if the next European elections were scheduled for next week, how likely is it that you would vote?” 75% of Greeks, compared with 68% of Europeans, answered “probably” (nine points higher than in autumn 2018). 11% of Greeks answered “neutral” and 12% answered “unlikely”.

According to 63% of Greeks, the number one reason people vote in European elections is “support for a political party” (37% in the EU). The second reason is that “it is their duty as citizens” (42%, 36% in the EU) and the third is “they want to support a certain candidate” – 39% (23% in the EU).

The Eurobarometer was conducted by research organization Verian (formerly Kantar Public) from 25 September to 29 October in the 27 EU Member States using face-to-face interviews via video link. A total of 26,523 interviews were conducted. The EU results were weighted according to each country’s population size.

*The Eurobarometer is a series of public opinion surveys conducted regularly on behalf of the European Commission and other EU institutions since 1973. These surveys cover a wide range of current issues affecting the European Union in all its Member States.

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