May 17, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

"No!" barbaric treatment of animals

A rally to defend animal rights was held in Greece. Demonstrators staged a rally outside the Greek Ministry of Rural Development, demanding an end to government subsidies for fur farms.

As stated in the accompanying announcement, “the action is intended to draw attention to the cruel and unethical practices that keep the fur industry alive.” The activists lay on a white sheet and remained motionless after red paint was poured onto their bodies, signifying the blood of “innocently killed animals.”

The public remained silent, observing the actions of the activists. The rally participants chanted slogans in favor of protecting the rights of animals that are raised and processed into clothing and consumer products.

We all know by now that the fur and leather industry is unethical, anti-environmental and parasitic. In 2023, while the fur industry will be completely abolished in 19 European Union countries and on the way to abolition in others, the Greek government continues insist on funding the suffering of innocent animals and supporting the industry.

In particular, in the last 4-5 years alone, fur grants have been issued totaling more than 70 million euros. The industry is supported by government patronage of fur traders and businessmen, and by government subsidies that come from taxpayers’ money.


About 5,000 Greek residents earn their living from the fur industry. However, orchestrating a smooth transition of workers from fur farms (which should be closed once and for all!) into a sustainable and ethical industry such as agriculture or synthetic fur production seems to be a challenge. not included in government plans.

Animal rights activists are demanding that government subsidies for farms and fur factories finally end, and that government programs be created to close them and retrain workers to other fields. With the goal of helping people working in this industry find work in new enterprises when all the “death factories” close.

The protest rally is being held with the support of the Panhellenic Federation of Nemesis.

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