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Israeli Prime Minister announces the start of the second phase of the war against Hamas

The unanimous decision to expand ground forces in the war against Hamas was made by the Israeli wartime government, announced by Benjamin Netanyahu on the evening of October 28.

How tells DW, the Prime Minister of Israel made this statement to reporters in Tel Aviv on Saturday evening. He noted that the purpose of these actions is to destroy the military potential of Hamas and the Islamists’ ability to maintain power, as well as the return home of the hostages they hold. And he emphasized that the decision to expand the scope of IDF operations in the Gaza Strip was made unanimously by the wartime government.

The prime minister said Israel’s massive air attacks over the past week had dealt Hamas a “heavy blow” but that the war would be “long and difficult. We are at the beginning of it.” Benjamin Netanyahu added, writes The Times of Israel that, despite the IDF ground operation, negotiations for the release of hostages held by Hamas continue.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant stressed at a press conference that his country is not interested in expanding the conflict in the region, but is ready for such a development.

On the night of October 28, the Israel Defense Forces announced that expands operation in the Gaza Strip, which began in response to an attack by the terrorist organization Hamas. The scale of deployment of ground units will be increased in order to dismantle the Hamas terrorist infrastructure, as well as free the hostages, indicated then IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari.

About the results of the first night of the ground operation Our publication told the IDF. The Hamas attack on Israel on October 7 left 1,400 people dead, Israeli authorities said. According to confirmed data as of October 28, 229 people remain captured by Hamas.

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