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Three Good Habits That Don’t Help You If You Overdo It

Every day, Internet users receive a lot of information about a healthy lifestyle.

Most of the “advice” is presented in such a way that “it is necessary for your overall well-being.” And while it’s probably a good idea to follow these types of tips (if they’re healthy habits), if you overdo them, you will get the opposite results.

1. Excessive consumption of lemon water
Lemon water is advertised to offer a wide range of health benefits. It is commonly recommended as an ideal morning drink to start the day and is praised for benefits such as providing optimal hydration, digestive awakening, detoxification and weight loss. Indeed, it contains vitamin C, and some of the benefits make it a natural diuretic. But if you drink lemon water in excess, you may experience problems such as gastrointestinal upset, heartburn, and nausea. Lemon water can also cause erosion of tooth enamel as lemon is very acidic and too much exposure can have detrimental effects.

These negative consequences arise from excessive consumption during the day, and not from a glass of drink taken in the morning on an empty stomach. If you like to start your day with a glass of lemon water, you probably have nothing to worry about unless you’re prone to heartburn. To protect your teeth, rinse your mouth thoroughly with clean water after drinking the drink or drinking it through a straw is also a good idea.

2. You overdid it on vegetables.
Vegetables are truly essential for your body and health as they are full of fiber, which is important for keeping you feeling full, keeping your blood sugar levels stable and stimulating your digestive processes. But due to their excessive consumption, you may notice bloating, gas and other problems.

If you suddenly switch from a low-fiber diet to a high-fiber dietespecially if you do not increase your water consumption, you may experience gas, bloating, and cramping. This can also happen if you consume more than 50 grams of fiber per day.

Compounds in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage have also been linked to gas and bloating. This is because they are difficult to digest.

Another reason why Cruciferous vegetables can be difficult to digest because they contain raffinose, an oligosaccharide that we humans do not have the enzyme to digest.. By the time undigested food containing raffinose reaches the colon, bacteria in the colon begin to break it down, causing gas and bloating.

To ensure good digestion, especially if you want to increase your vegetable intake, do it gradually and, of course, consult a nutritionist!

3. You exercise too much
Staying active is a vital part of maintaining overall well-being, but it is important give the body time to rest and recover.

There are many reasons why overtraining can work against you and actually take you away from your health and fitness goals. Overtraining can lead to an increased risk of injury, physical, mental and emotional fatigue, sleep disturbances, muscle loss, hormonal imbalances, difficulty recovering from exercise, poor athletic performance, suppressed immune system function, hypothyroidism and more..

It is very important to include in your schedule recovery days to give the body the opportunity to fully recover. Sleep is also “magical” when it comes to recovery. Try to listen to your body and pay attention to how you feel after your workout. If you feel tired, rest. And if you’re full of energy, it might be a sign that you can push yourself to exercise a little more. If your productivity has decreased, it may be time to take a rest day. In the long run, you will achieve better results and a more balanced relationship with exercise.

Of course, rest doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll lie in bed all day (unless you want to). On a rest day, it is useful to take a walk and spend time more calmly.

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