May 4, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Peanuts… with maggots

Greek Food Supervision Authority (EFET) is recalling a food product – peanuts, in packages with which dead insect larvae were found. Consumers who have purchased the product are urged not to consume it.

EFET removes packages of peanuts from supermarket shelves. The control authority has determined that the product is unsuitable for human consumption:

“The regional office of EFET in Attica, in the course of an inspection involved in the investigation of a complaint from a consumer, carried out a quality control of the food product “Go Nutz- KARAGIANNIS, Πίνατς-Ψημένα και αλατισμένα με υποκατά1στατο άλατος”, expiration date 31.20 and LOT 22.20. It is processed and packaged in Greece by the company “χρηστος δημ.καραγιαννης α.ε.β.ε”, (ăροκαρπ), 4ο χλμ αμφιλοςαγρινίου καινείι από απόι απόι απόι από απόι τη μετο (My Market).

Macroscopic examination revealed the presence of dead larvae and their faeces inside the package. The company has already taken steps to withdraw this product from the market. EFET is monitoring the recall process while the relevant reviews are already underway.

EFET removes packages of peanuts from supermarket shelves. The control authority has determined that the product is unsuitable for human consumption:

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