September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greek health experts recommend not lifting further Covid measures for the time being

Due to the increase in the number of people infected with the coronavirus in Greece, the Committee of Epidemiologists, at its meeting on Wednesday, recommended that no further measures be lifted until Easter, April 24, 2022.

This means that measures such as Covid-Pass and the mandatory use of masks indoors will not be lifted and remain in place until at least early May. According to media reports, health experts have decided that the epidemiological picture in the country does not allow lifting the measures before May 1.

It is noted that health experts studied government-proposed roadmap further easing of measures to combat coronavirus with a plan for either Monday April 18 or Monday May 2, that is, a week after Easter. With regard to the abolition of masks indoors, it has been suggested that they remain in place in hospitals and healthcare facilities, supermarkets and public transport.

Deputy Health Minister Mina Gaga confirmed state TV channel ERT FM that there is currently no decision to cancel the vaccination and recovery certificate. “The cancellation of the vaccination certificate has not been decided yet,” Gaga said, adding that “there is a plan [дорожная карта], however we first wait for the data. We must consider all proposals and all epidemiological data, and then officially announce what will happen.”

Regarding the use of masks in indoor restaurants and entertainment venues, Ms Gaga said: “We will still be out in the open more time from May, and if you have a certificate of illness or a rapid test, then you do not need to have vaccination certificate. Since May, even evening entertainment takes place outdoors most of the time. So we will go to rest only because of the weather. It is logical that people should have hope, and soon it will come true, ”said Gaga.

Currently unvaccinated citizens are not allowed into restaurant premises and other places, but they can sit outside with a rapid test. Pcured or recovered it is enough for citizens to present the relevant certificates – both for the premises and for the street.

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