April 30, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Money rain on the california freeway

Yesterday on the California highway, near San Diego, there was “rainfall” in the form of money rain. The locked door of an armored van carrying money suddenly swung open as it passed, and thousands of banknotes swirled through the air in a whirlwind.

Passing cars stopped and drivers rushed to get their share of the unexpected jackpot. Many in ecstasy tossed bills in the air, enjoying the abundance of money, and filmed what was happening on their phones.

Alas, the joy was short-lived – the police promptly arrived at the scene. To begin with, she arrested the most active couple, who managed to collect a significant amount. Due to the large number of stopped cars, their car was blocked, and they could not leave the “profitable” place in time.

The police said that all this money is the property of the bank and should be returned. And the videos made will be used to identify participants in unusual events. Curtis Martin, California Highway Police Chief, noted at a press conference:

“There are many videos in which people steal money on the freeway, taking it from the road. It’s better for them to be honest than to wait for someone to find them and knock on the door. “

In the meantime, only the most active couple with a large amount of cash was detained, the rest managed to escape with an unexpected pre-Christmas “gift”.

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