May 3, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Vaccine deniers joined by census deniers

A new wave of insanity has spread across social media, which has become a “battleground” between census deniers and census supporters.

As unrealistic as it sounds, a new “crazy” movement of citizens has just been created in Greece. After deniers of coronavirus, masks and vaccines, there were … deniers of the 2021 census.

As can be seen from social networks, citizens refuse to register because they fear that it serves “other purposes” other than the one for which it is being done. Many census deniers associate this with vaccination and urge others not to participate in the census.

Not only do they refuse to accept ELSTAT (Greek Statistical Office) workers at home, according to the usual procedure, but they brutally “expel” young people who come to them, or refuse to fill out the questionnaire electronically.

Some “deniers” go so far as to claim that their children will be taken away or that the elderly died as soon as they gave their details to ELSTAT employees!

Πολλά προβλήματα !! 🤗 # απογραφη_movies # απογραφη # απογραφη2021

– Pinelopi (@toulousakiii) November 14, 2021

Recall that the population and housing census is a large-scale statistical work aimed at collecting objective information with detailed analysis throughout the country and in the field.

All EU member states carry out an inventory every 10 years, using uniform standards and methods. In fact, the project is so important and complex that each census is characterized over time as “the largest operation conducted by a government in peacetime.” The census is carried out in the context of the relevant regulation and EU law 4772/2021 (Gazette 17 / A ‘/ 5-2-2021).

Why is the census being carried out

The purpose of the population census is to collect the most recent and reliable demographic, economic and social characteristics of the population and housing conditions in order to meet the needs for statistical information at the national, European and international levels. These elements are necessary for the development of economic, social and environmental policies, and the fulfillment of the country’s obligations to the European Union and international organizations (eg UN, OECD).

By means of the census, the population of Greece is counted in each regional unit, municipality or community and independent settlement, throughout the territory (mainland Greece, islands, border regions). At the same time, data are collected on the demographic and social characteristics of the population and their living conditions.

The general population census is being conducted taking into account the unprecedented conditions associated with the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and based on common methodological principles, rules and specifications, in accordance with the provisions of EU legislation (EC Regulation 763/2008). Law 4772/2021 (A ’17).

It should be noted that participation in the census is mandatory, and the collected data is confidential, not transmitted or disclosed to any public or private authority, and is only used to produce aggregate statistics.

It is noted that no sensitive personal data is collected in the context of the census.

How to apply:

An ELSTAT representative (Απογραφέας της ΕΛΣΤΑΤ) leaves a private anonymous folder in your home that contains the “Unique Inventory Code” of the home. A family representative who has a “Unique Inventory Code” and his own code in the TAXIS system can declare the place of residence and all family members through the digital public sector portal Those citizens who, for any reason, cannot register electronically before November 26, will be registered as a census participant in their area during a personal interview. Individuals living in collective living quarters such as camps, monasteries, migrant / refugee and unaccompanied minors, nursing homes, boarding schools, orphanages, etc. will be handled by census specialists during a face-to-face interview. During their work, about 60,000 ELSTAT representatives have, in addition to their personal civil ID, a special badge with the ELSTAT mark, on which their data are written, as well as a photo and a stamp. Representatives are dressed in special uniforms. Employees are required to comply with all necessary measures to protect public health from the risk of further spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

For any clarification regarding the 2021 Population and Housing Census process, interested persons can call the phone number: 211 1212032 or contact by email: Email address is being protected from spambots. Javascript must be enabled in your browser to view the address.

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