September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Zuckerberg: "We censored Covid-19 content on Facebook because the Biden administration insisted on it"

Mark Zuckerberg said that the Joe Biden administration was providing pressure on Facebook with the aim of forcing it to censor content related to Covid-19, whether it be anti-vaxxer posts, expert investigations, or even satire and humorous posts.

Meta's CEO sent a letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, saying “Senior Biden administration officials, including the White House, have repeatedly pressured Meta to censor content related to the coronavirus pandemic.” “The content the Biden administration asked Meta to remove contained humor and satire,” added the founder of Facebook.

“I think the pressure from the government was inappropriate and I regret that we were not more honest about this issue. I also think we made some decisions that, with hindsight and new information, we wouldn't make today.” he wrote after this, apologizing and promising that something like this would not happen in the future.

Among other things, Zuckerberg apologized to the New York Post because Meta Censors Exclusive Report on Hunter Bidenthe son of the US president who is in trouble in the American justice system. The article talked about Hunter's drug ties, his illegal gun ownership, his tax evasion and the deals he is accused of making with Ukrainian companies (Burisma) and, using his father’s influence, received millions of dollars for this.

Meta CEO Says FBI Warns Him to Block Threadas it was published in light of the 2020 US elections. “Agents told me that Russia might be involved. I asked fact checkers to find out if this news is fake. In the end, it turned out to be true, like the others.” Zuckerberg wrote in a letter.

In fact, the White House (D. Biden) not only confirms, but also emphasizes that he was right to make these statements: “Our position is clear and consistent: We believe that technology companies and other private entities must consider the impact of their actions on the American people.making independent choices about the information they present.”

From the editor. Mr. Zuckerberg is being disingenuous in declaring only a few instances of censorship imposed by the US intelligence services. Over the past 10 years, our publication has repeatedly had problems with biased and often even openly mocking attitudes towards our publication and the editor personally. Declaring our articles spam, false publications, without any basis or reasons, has become a common occurrence, which can happen 3-5 times a day. The result of which is bans from several days to 2 years. Moreover, it seems that the moderators assigned to us are just having fun, sometimes issuing bans, for example, on conducting a live broadcast for 2 years. I will not even mention the monetization that was removed back in 2014.

The reason for such a biased attitude is the position of the editorial board, which somewhat different from the policy pursued by the United States.

Impunity corrupts… It is noteworthy that without filing an administrative claim with the participation of lawyers, it is impossible to even reach META, since they almost completely lack such an opportunity, which fundamentally contradicts the legislation of the European Union. And unfortunately, we do not have the money for such an action.

Elon Musk recently posted a remarkable comment, recalling that “Instagram is uniting a huge network of pedophiles”

Because he has already given in to the pressure of censorship. There is a huge the problem of child exploitationbut Zuck is not arrested because he censors free speech and gives governments black access to user data.

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