September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Video of attempted rape of 20-year-old woman on Salamis beach. Criminal chases her into the sea

A video has emerged online showing an attempted rape of a 20-year-old girl on a beach in Salamis on Monday afternoon.

When she tried to run towards the sea, the criminal followed her and tried to immobilize her in the water, but to no avail. The incident was noticed by the girl's friend.

As you can see in the video, the victim and the man are in the water, and the young man who noticed the incident is trying to save the girl. In the video, he can be heard telling the girl to get out of the sea, and then turning to the criminal, who is pretending to be confused. The video does not show a clear location, but we assume that the beach is in Aanteio, as the city of Salamina (Koulouri) is visible in the background.

Then he came out of the sea and the man asked him if he was threatening to rape the girl. “They told me it was someone else, I'm telling you the truth,” he replied. According to the girl, The man threatened her that he had a knife and that he wanted to rape her, and if she refused, he would stab her. The police were called to the scene, arrested the criminal and took him to the prosecutor.

P.S. Something strange has been happening to men in recent days. Maybe some kind of virus?

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