September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Father Raped His Own Son's 16-Year-Old Girlfriend

A 44-year-old man has been arrested for repeatedly raping a 16-year-old girl, his son's friend.

A new shocking case has come to light in the Kolonos area of ​​Athens, concerning the systematic rape of an underage girl. The citizen was arrested on August 22 by police officers of the local department. The arrest took place with the assistance of police officers of the Athens sub-directorate of law enforcement agencies.

The man was charged with rape and indecent assault against a minor.

Rapist Threatened 16-Year-Old Girl to Harm Her Family
The 44-year-old man is accused of committing the above-mentioned criminal acts against a minor who was in his close circle (the girl was his son's girlfriend). The violence continued since June of this year and was carried out under threats and accompanied by blackmail.

I filed a complaint with the authorities father of the unfortunate 16 year old girlwho stated that the 44-year-old man raped the girl about ten times between June 2024 and 19.08.2024.

In particular, according to the information, every time the 16-year-old girl asked him to “stop it all,” her boyfriend's father threatened to harm her and her family. According to the same information, the 44-year-old man allegedly committed some painful acts against the girl (the incident took place in his car, parked in an abandoned area).

Detention of a 44-year-old man
According to police sources, after a complaint was filed, the man was put under surveillance. Thus, the 44-year-old was spotted at dawn on August 23 outside the home of the 16-year-old victim in his own car. He was immediately placed under surveillance by the Athens Sub-District Police.

After the man stopped his car and got out, when the police approached and ordered him to stop, he changed direction for a moment in order to escape (or avoid control). However, the police managed to arrest him.

During the arrest, the citizen's mobile phone and the car he arrived in (and related to the case) were confiscated, and during a search of his home, a laptop was confiscated. An investigation is underway, the gadgets have been sent for examination of their contents.

In addition, items of clothing were taken from the girl in order to find traces (genetic material) of the rapist.

The detainee was taken to the prosecutor's office.

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