July 4, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

A. Fauci's confession on the Covid-19 case: they imprisoned all of humanity with false evidence – there was no threat

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former top US doctor to combat the coronavirus pandemic, in recent testimony before US House of Representatives Committee said that he came up with social distancing rules and the need for masks for children without relying on specific scientific data.

The admission sparked furious backlash, especially from Republicans who held him responsible for the disaster caused by the pandemic.

He testified that the six-foot social distancing rule “just happened” and that he didn't recall seeing any specific research supporting the mandate. The revelation deepens suspicions that measures imposed during the pandemic were arbitrary and lacked sufficient scientific justification.

These measures have had a significant negative impact, especially on children

Studies have shown that mandatory mask use has had a negative impact on children's learning and development. A study conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that mask use has a “very negative” impact on children. Social distancing has also caused psychological problems such as depression and anxiety.

Fauci's admission sparked intense political backlash

Republicans accused him of collaborating with China to spread the virus and trying to cover his tracks. The Republican Coronavirus Committee claims that during his tenure, American taxpayer money was provided in the form of grants to a coronavirus laboratory in Wuhan to conduct experiments that led to the spread of Covid-19.

Anthony Fauci's confession reveals lack of scientific justification for measurestaken during the pandemic, and raises serious doubts about the reliability of health authorities' decisions. The political consequences are enormous, and Fauci himself faces prison time for his decisions as Republicans continue to press for the truth about the origins and management of the pandemic.

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