September 15, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The number of children immigrating to Greece has quadrupled in a year

The NGO Save the Children announced on July 17 that more than 6,400 migrant children arrived in Greece between January and June 2024, “four times more than registered during the same period in 2023.”

The NGO's statement said 5,580 of them arrived by sea (via the Aegean islands) and 830 by land, across the Greek-Turkish border.Every fourth child was not accompanied by “either their own family or a legal guardian.” It is also noted that this number has also tripled compared to what it was in 2023.

The situation of minors Unaccompanied it gets more complicatedbecause, according to the same source, “there is no one to provide them with clothes, shoes, or even a telephone” while they are in the Migrant Reception Center.

Save the Children European Director Willy Bergonyi stressed that minors arriving in Greece are “not being treated like children” and called on the country to provide them with better protection and improve their living conditions. The director of the organization called for a “safe route” so that The Mediterranean has not become a “cemetery for children”.

The Council of Europe recently published a report criticizing Greece’s migrant detention policy, calling on Athens to review it and “end the anti-migrant crackdown.” The Greek government responded that the detention conditions “are in line with international standards.”

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