July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Politico: Russia’s fate during Putin’s upcoming reign (video)

The American magazine Politico presented five possible scenarios for the fate of the Russian Federation in the coming years, during Putin’s next term in office:

  1. The flourishing of democracy in the Russian Federation. Probability 5-10%.
  2. The collapse of Russia. Probability 10-15%.
  3. Activation of Russian nationalists. Probability 15-20%.
  4. Technocratic reset – the emergence of a new regime by 2030. Probability 20-25%.
  5. No changes. Putin will be alive and at the helm. Probability 45-50%.

The head of the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hakan Fidan, expressed his opinion about the impossibility of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine in the coming years, quotes BB.LV diplomat:

“There is a risk of the war spreading to the Balkans, to Eastern Europe, to Central Europe. This is dangerous. This is an issue that should worry Europeans more than us. Strategically, we do not understand them. But gradually we see that these voices are beginning to be heard among European politicians in European countries. I hope they find a solution. But let me say this briefly. In 2024, we obviously have no reason to expect developments on this issue. [Тогда 2025 год?] I think this will happen later, we’ll see what conditions the parties have and where this topic is heading. But right now we don’t expect that to happen in the near future.”

What awaits Russians in the near future:

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