July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The tax filing process begins in March.

The tax filing process for this year will begin at the end of March this year.

The decision by AADE Governor Giorgos Pitsilis includes detailed instructions on the type and content of the tax return. It will take into account data such as information about bank accounts, mobile phone expenses, electricity and water. However, this is not the only data that the Independent Authority requests in connection with the start of the tax return process.

Will be taken into account:

  • interest on deposits and transactions (τόκοι των καταθέσεων και των repos) acquired by an individual in 2022, as well as withheld tax,
  • data on bank accounts that collectively showed movements of more than 100,000 euros during the year (2022),
  • dividends paid to individuals and legal entities during 2022, for which the corresponding data is provided by Hellenic Stock Exchanges SA (HEXAE),
  • sums of money paid by individuals to credit institutions, credit companies and financial leasing companies for interest repayment of loans (housing, consumer, etc.), including accrued and paid interest, interest on overdue payments, etc.
  • detailed information on life, death, accident and illness insurance,
  • admission to private hospitals
  • private school fees
  • cost of fixed and mobile communications
  • cost of electricity and water supply (for customers with annual water consumption of more than 1000 euros).

Based on the decision, changes were made to salary and pension certificates – new codes were added: retrospective amounts of paid dividends of equity funds and financial assistance of special units of the army, navy and air force, subject to taxation in the year of payment; remuneration for members of independent appeal commissions; fees from the National School of Bailiffs; fees of commissions for resolving tax disputes; retrospectively paid amounts to ship crew officers (ΕΛΚΕΘΕ, etc.)

The decision also stipulates that data regarding receipt of:

  • Emergency one-time financial support for vulnerable persons, provided in December 2023.
  • One-time financial support for pensioners.
  • Special compensation provided to employees in connection with emergency situations and assistance to victims of natural disasters.
  • Emergency financial support in the form of targeted compensation, as well as benefits for the Easter holidays 2023 for workers in the fur industry whose employment contracts are suspended.

Expected that The tax filing process for this year will begin at the end of March. However about 1 million employees and retirees with no other incomethey will see completed data on your declaration, and if they have no objections, AADE will file the tax return automatically. As expected, Filing of tax returns this year will last until June 30with income taxes to be paid in eight monthly installments starting at the end of July.

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