July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Farmers with tractors in Syntagma: "circus with clowns"

Farmers have gathered in the center of Athens for today’s rally, which is already taking place in the form “folklore” event, which some participants characterize as “mockery” or circus…

The event is scheduled to start at 6:30, and was preceded by a rally at 5:30 near Omonia.

In general, calm reigns, and everything points to… some kind of “preliminary agreement” with the authorities.

No one understood why they came to Athens and what purpose they were pursuing. What they will be given, plus another 5-10% that they will receive, and… the modest ceremony will be over.

The burning of a few bales of straw outside Athens or the appearance of agricultural machinery in the center of Athens with a pre-arranged time of arrival and departure accompanied by patrol cars, of course, has nothing to do with the militant protest demonstrations of the German, French, Belgian, etc. farmers who, as we have seen, make the Brussels governments tremble.

In addition, most farmer union activists are members of the New Democracy Party and are in open contact with the government.

Farmers’ tractors entered the center of Athens in full accordance with instructions and in coordination with the police. They were accompanied by police cars throughout their march along the highway, and in the same coordinated manner they are expected to set off tomorrow morning.

Today they will spend the night in the center of the capital.

Political parties did not fail to promote themselves on farmers.

Communist Party of Greece represented by Secretary General Dimitris Koutsembas.

SYRIZA leader Stefanos Kasselakis

PASOK represented by MP Manolis Khnaris and others.

“This is a mockery,” one of the striking farmers comments on what is happening…

In other words, Kyriakos Mitsotakis was able to very skillfully turn a protest rally into “circus with clowns”. However, with such assistants from the leaders of the farm strike, this is not difficult…

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