July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

"Me and Tyler will change Greece"says Kasselakis, despite his uncertain future at SYRIZA

“Tyler and I will change Greece,” Stefanos Kasselakis, leader of Greece’s main opposition party SYRIZA, said a few days ago.

The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, who the hell is Tyler?


Tyler McBeth, 32, is Kasselakis’ partner, whom he married in October 2023 in New York.

What are Tyler’s qualifications to “change Greece”? Virtually none. As far as the Athens News understands, the young American athlete – “qualified intensive care nurse”. Noble qualification for saving lives, but not Greeks. Last October, Kasselakis announced that Tyler would overhaul Greece’s health care system. A logical question arises: why didn’t Tyler improve the healthcare system in the United States when the couple was still living there? This question remains unanswered to this day.

Kasselakis and his political mega-ambitions

Jokes aside, Tyler’s political career is not the only ambition of the Syriza leader. At a meeting with former ministers “New Democracy” and PASOK, high-ranking representatives of the business and banking sector, the world, the media and, so to speak, the local “Bilderberg Club” Kasselakis revealed his plans for Greece.

First of all, he definitely wants to become prime minister and has roughly outlined what his plans for the country are politically. He said his family comes from the socialist party PASOK and praised its founder Andreas Papandreou.

Citing sources present at the meeting, radio station REAL FM reported that Kassalakis said:“I want to become a prime minister with a bigger imprint than Andreas Papandreou.” He clarified that “the party he wants to create will be centrist on economic issues, “Andreas” – in national affairs and defense, and progressive in other respects.”

He even positively assessed cooperation with the wider socialist space, but not within the narrow party framework. His dream was a party similar to the Democratic Party in the United States – although he was a fan of the Republicans and behaved like Trump.

SYRIZA dismayed by leader’s arrogance

Meanwhile, opposition is growing within Syriza against the leader the party members themselves elected last September. Members of the historical party are outraged that he rules without regard for them, ignoring them and how the party functions.

A few days before the party’s congress, which is due to begin next Thursday, leader Kasselakis invited party members to take part in an online survey and express their views on the party’s identity, logo and name.

Angered by the leader who is behaving as if the party belongs to him, the political secretariat called an emergency meeting on Monday. Before the meeting, the leader sent them a letter informing them of his… absence, as he was in London to give a speech. Stressing that the results of the survey will not be disclosed, Kasselakis called on members of the political secretariat to refrain from “spreading conspiracy theories.”

After the meeting, the political secretariat released a statement saying: “We are a party membersnot a party of officials, and certainly not a party led by one person. Another meeting of the political secretariat will take place on Tuesday. We are embarking on the necessary democratic changes.”.

The split in Greece’s main opposition party is deepening and the political secretariat is proposing an immediate convening of the Central Committee ahead of the congress scheduled for Thursday, sources said.

If Kasselakis continues to act like a clown, he may miss his chance “change Greece” with Tyler’s help or not. However, Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ ElGeBeTization of Greece does a much better job. Mitsotakis did not wait until Kasselakis changed Greece in “his own image and likeness” and worked proactively, making something neoliberal out of Orthodox Greece…

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