July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Why you shouldn’t dry clothes on a radiator

In winter, more and more people are forced to dry their clothes indoors, and often on radiators.

However, experts warn that this is not a good idea at all and can sometimes even lead to health problems. “This could be a simple solution for those of us who don’t have a dryer. However, there are health risks associated with using a radiator to dry wet clothes,” says Nancy Emery, a specialist at UK-based Only Radiators.

According to her, the main problem is that wet clothes prevent warm air from circulating. As a result, the humidity in the room increases significantly. The situation is aggravated by the fact that clothes, drying on the radiator, release additional moisture into the air.

It is estimated that up to 87% of adults dry their clothes indoors in winter.

According to Dr. David Denning, professor emeritus of infectious diseases at the university and founder of the Global Organization for the Control of Fungal Infections (GAFFI), the most serious danger is that spores of Aspergillus, a fungus that can enter the lungs when inhaled, causing organ damage, are extremely “adore” a humid environment. Aspergillosis causes flu-like symptoms and extreme fatigue.

Studies have shown that when we dry clothes on a radiator, the humidity level in the house rises by up to 30%. This is particularly conducive to the growth of aspergillus fumigates, say experts from the University of Manchester.

Most of us are either immune to Aspergillus spores or have a healthy immune system that fights them off. However, patients with asthma and people with weakened immune systems are at increased risk of developing pulmonary aspergillosis.

This infection can cause severe lung damage, sometimes fatal.

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