July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

A village considered the most picturesque in Greece

One of the many things that makes Greece stand out is, of course, its unique settlements and traditional villages.

Some of them definitely hold a special place in our hearts, not only because of their history and the relationship we have with them, but also because of their beauty. How can one, for example, resist a village that is considered the most picturesque in Greece and has incomparable beauty? It is located in Crete and is called Archanes. Undoubtedly, the settlement leaves no one indifferent. This one of the most photographed areas in Greece.

Thus, Archanes is one of the special villages not only of Crete, but of all of Greece. Homes, landmarks and public buildings have such beautiful colors and in such combinations that it is impossible not to be captivated by them.

It is no coincidence that it is called the most colorful village in Greece. In addition to coloring the walls of buildings, the flowers surrounding them also create a frame reminiscent of a painting by a great artist. There, at an altitude of 400 meters above sea level, this settlement is very special and deserves to be visited at least once. If you find yourself in Crete on holiday, Archanes in Heraklion will undoubtedly win your heart.

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