July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Mandra: a businessman was shot with an AK-47 and then burned in his car

A well-known meat trader from the Megara region is found dead. The criminals apparently shot him with a Kalashnikov assault rifle, threw the weapons at his car, and then set it on fire.

In addition to the victim’s car, the criminals also burned the car in which they arrived at the crime scene, as well as the Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle that was used for the murder. It appears he was thrown into the victim’s car while it was burning. Greek police have launched a search for the criminals who fled on a motorcycle.

The car in which the man’s body was found belongs to a businessman of Greek origin who was engaged in meat trade in the Megara region. It was discovered on Agia Aikaterini Street, two fire engines with six firefighters were at the scene.

During the investigation EL.AS Shell casings from an AK-47 Kalashnikov assault rifle were found next to the burnt car, and a burnt car, probably belonging to the criminals, was found a few meters away. It is currently under investigation whether the victim’s car was set on fire by the criminals or caught fire during the shooting.

The fire service statement regarding the incident said the following: “An unidentified body was found while extinguishing a fire in an SUV on Agia Aikaterini Street in Mandre, Attica. “6 firefighters with 2 engines are on the scene.”

According to reports, the deceased is Greek and his wife was killed during a robbery near their home in Mandre in 2018. If it is confirmed that this businessman is indeed the victim, the matter will become even more complicated.

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