July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Riots in Exarchia after a student rally

On the afternoon of Thursday 1 February, riots continue in the Exarchia area in central Athens. Young people with their faces hidden by hoods rolled garbage cans onto the road, using them as barricades, and threw stones, fireworks, and various objects at the police.

The epicenter of the incidents is on Sturnari Street and in the area of ​​the Polytechnic Institute. Police have made at least six arrests.

In response, the police used chemical agents and stun grenades. Police made at least six arrests, the video shows.

Riots during a student rally – one student injured

Earlier, a student rally took place against “non-state universities.” When the procession reached Syntagma, clashes broke out between students and police, to which the IAT responded with tear gas.

According to reports, one student was injured in the incidents and was being carried by his fellow students.

It is noted that the education movement is in a state of unrest and is intensifying its activities with students holding a new round of general meetings, occupying many schools across the country and holding new rallies until the government bill to establish private universities is withdrawn.

Large numbers of students are also mobilizing, occupying schools and calling for more rallies. Education federations are moving to new strikes and calling for rallies, and OLME in its statement supports the state nature of education.


“We will go to the end”

“We believe that the reason why the bill has not yet been tabled is because the huge wave of occupations that has swept across the country has put pressure on the government and it has no right to pass it (the bill) while it exists such strong opposition from the entire academic community”says Neli Iliopoulou from the Faculty of Law in conversation with in.gr

“We intend to go all the way until this bill is accepted back, even as an idea, she emphasizes. – The prosecutor’s interference in students’ affairs is a blow to democracy and academic freedom.”

The Greek people are against squatting and for private universities. The anarchists (who have nothing to do with the students) know this and therefore take revenge on people by destroying their property.

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