July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Electrical heating allowance: application platform closes

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The deadline for applications for heating with electricity is Monday, February 5, the Ministry of Environment and Energy announced.

The amount of energy assistance ranges from €45 to €480 per quarter from January to March 2024 and represents a discount on beneficiaries’ electricity bills (either towards payment or repayment). That is heating allowance with electricity not credited to bank account. The income and property criteria are the same as those that apply to heating benefits for other types of energy:

  • Family income for singles is 16,000 euros, for married people 24,000 euros, increased by 5,000 euros for each dependent child. Especially for freelancers, the annual turnover should not exceed 80,000 euros.
  • Property prices are up to 200,000 euros for singles and up to 300,000 euros for married and single-parent families.

Heating benefit recipients can submit their claims through the AADE platform using TAXISnet codes. As it became known, from this subsidy beneficiaries of the social household tariff (CHT) are excluded, estimated to be around 700,000, as well as those already receiving subsidies for other heating sources (eg oil, natural gas, wood pellets).

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