July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

In the Bahamas, a shark attacked a 10-year-old child (video)

At a luxury resort in the Bahamas, while snorkeling in a shark tank, a ten-year-old child suddenly screamed in pain as one of the predators attacked him.

The boy was taken to the hospital, his condition is stable. By message The Telegraph, the incident occurred at a resort consisting of hotels, casinos and water parks, offering a variety of services and entertainment to attract tourists. The Royal Bahamas Police said the child was bitten on the right leg by a shark and the incident is under investigation. One of the witnesses to the incident says:

“When the little boy came down, we saw the shark target him and then we saw blood around him.”

The child screamed in pain, and the other visitors hurried to leave the aquarium.

The fashionable resort offers various services for tourists. It is completely safe to watch sharks from an underwater tunnel. You can also go on a “Shark Walk,” the resort’s website invites. The information says:

“Using state-of-the-art clear glass helmets, resort guests can stroll along the seabed and find themselves nose-to-nose with the bodyguards of the lost world of Atlantis. No sailing experience required.”

The aquarium houses seven species of sharks, including the two-metre long Pacific blacktip shark and the huge hammerhead shark, which can be six meters long. And only one of the species presented is on the list of safe for humans.


Dubai: This is what it looks like to walk with sharks in the largest aquarium in the world:

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