July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

For some, the holidays turned out to be anything but festive.

In Crete, a minor son beat his mother and tried to strangle his sister.

The beatings lasted until the mother lost consciousness from numerous blows, and then the 16-year-old teenager attacked his sister, tells Creta24. When she woke up, a 35-year-old woman from Romania saw her son trying to strangle her 15-year-old daughter. The woman contacted the police asking for help.

This latest case of domestic violence occurred yesterday in Heraklion. The teenager’s stepfather and the girl’s father also live in the house; he was absent at the time of the incident.

The woman said her son had been violent in the past and had talked about the mental health problems he was facing. Yesterday a neighbor came to the rescue, intervened in the situation and managed to protect the two women until the police arrived.

The Domestic Violence Unit of the 1st Police Department reported another case of domestic violence during the holidays. A 30-year-old Greek woman complained that her 26-year-old partner had hit and abused her in the past. She also gave police a small amount of hashish, saying it belonged to her boyfriend. Those responsible for both incidents will appear in court today.

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