July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

248 deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine voted for the legalization of medical cannabis (video)

By a majority vote on Thursday, Ukraine adopted a new law proposed by the Prime Minister and legalized medical marijuana.

248 people’s representatives voted in favor, giving the green light for the use of cannabis in medicine. This law was supported not only by doctors, but also by Ukrainian public organizations representing the interests of patients and combat veterans.

The law will come into force in six months. Strict control will be established over the production and use of cannabis. To purchase, you will need a prescription from a doctor: non-medical use is still prohibited in the country and remains a criminal offense.

Attempts to legalize marijuana were made in Ukraine back in 2016, initiated then by Oleg Musiy, the Minister of Health. But… the document was withdrawn. Vladimir Zelensky also promised to legalize medical cannabis; this was part of his election campaign.

However, it seems too early to rejoice now. How reported UP publication, people’s deputies from the Batkivshchyna party submitted to the Verkhovna Rada a resolution to cancel the decision to adopt a bill on the legalization of medical cannabis as a whole. The Batkivshchyna faction has always opposed the adoption of this bill.

Now, in order for the document to be signed by the Chairman of the Rada, the parliament needs to vote on the resolution of “Batkivshchyna”. And this means, writes deputy Zheleznyak, that the law will not come into effect until the summer:

“Parliament will be able to unblock its signing only around mid-January next year. There will still be time for the president to sign. And given that the law will come into force only in six months, it will then come into effect somewhere in July 2024.”

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