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Shots in the center of Prague: 11 people dead, many wounded (video)

In the historical center of the capital of the Czech Republic, 10 people were killed and many wounded as a result of a shooting at the Faculty of Philosophy of Charles University today, December 21.

The shooter was killed during a police operation. reports euronews. Czech rescuers report at least thirty wounded. According to police, the shooter had no accomplices. Jana Postova, a representative of the Prague rescue service, reports ten dead and a shot dead criminal.

Czech Interior Minister Vit Rakušan, who arrived at the scene of the incident, told Czech television that the man who opened fire was dead. Although the danger has passed, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs urged people to follow the instructions of the police.

According to Prague Mayor Bohuslav Svoboda, the Faculty of Philosophy at Charles University was evacuated. Eyewitnesses said they saw the shooter on the roof of the faculty building and he was firing at them. The police department reported that Jan Palach Square was cordoned off. Police also urged people to leave surrounding streets and stay inside.

According to the BBC, the shooter committed suicide.

The mayor of Prague, Bohuslav Svoboda, said on Czech television that the shooter “jumped somewhere and died.”

One of the Charles University teachers, Sergei Medvedev, wrote on Facebook that he witnessed the incident.

“It’s hard to believe, but we are under fire in the quietest Prague. “I was giving a lecture at the university when shots rang out in the building and the windows were shaking,” Medvedev writes. “Then there was a lot of screaming, special forces burst into the audience and checked the room.”

“The students and I barricaded ourselves in the classroom. Prague Castle looks at all this with equanimity,” writes Medvedev.

Unverified photographs also began to appear on social networks, showing people clinging to the outer wall of the university at a height of several floors.

Another eyewitness to the events, Prague resident with British-Australian citizenship Targ Patience, whose apartment is adjacent to the university, said in an interview with the BBC that at first he heard many shots.

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