July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Arachova: Oliver fell victim to a pack of dogs

The case of the death of a dog named Oliver in Arachova took a completely unexpected turn, since, as investigators revealed, the unfortunate husky was mortally wounded during a skirmish with a local pack of dogs, and not a person.

The twist in the case of a dead husky with clear signs of abuse came from evidence gathered by a team of Metropolitan Police homicide detectives who were dispatched to a small resort town in Central Greece following an intergalactic scandal raised by Labor Minister Adonis Georgiadis along with Supreme Court Deputy Prosecutor Anastasia Masura, who is responsible for animal protection.

Camera footage collected by police shows the poor dog was the victim of a pack of animals that attacked and seriously injured it. Local police, who have been investigating this case from the very beginning, have collected testimonies and statements from both the owner of the animal and people who often saw it on the streets of Arachova. An important role in the consideration of the case was played by the testimony of residents who saw a pack of wild dogs in the Arachova area.

At the same time, information was requested from doctors who examined the animal and pointed out signs of cruelty to it. They also had evidence obtained from the exhumation of the dog and new testimony from the veterinarian who first examined the unfortunate husky.

Evidence of the pack

What significantly helped the officers initially formulate the second working case and ultimately led to its solving was the testimony of local residents about a pack of dogs that were found in the same place where Oliver was walking. Therefore, officers carefully studied surveillance camera footage and tracked the movements of Oliver and the pack of dogs that attacked the unfortunate husky. At the same time, it did not follow from the video recordings that the person who attacked the dog took it into any house where he could inflict injuries incompatible with life.

What’s next

Arachova: abuse of husky... not confirmed

Considering the scandal raised personally by the Minister of Labor Adonis Georgiadis, where he attacked the residents of Arachova with criticism, accusing them of all mortal sins, which led to an avalanche of cancellations from tourists, Mr. Georgiadis should at least apologize to the population of the city who suffered both moral and material damage.

Well, in an amicable way, he should resign. After all, on top of everything else, he caused reputational damage to the government of the country, disgracing himself with his inappropriate statements.

PS I once imagined what would have happened if the culprit of death in this case had been a resident of Arachova? So what to do now with a pack of stray dogs? Well, the last (rhetorical) question is who will pay for this whole circus?

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