July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Half of Greek residents save on groceries and essential goods

Half of Greeks have limited or are preparing to limit their purchases of food and essential goods to cope with rising prices that are literally eating away at their incomes, a study by Focus Bari says.

The country’s households have already cut spending on essential items, as well as on such basic categories as clothing, shoes, books, toys, and cosmetics. Saving on food is increasingly coming to the fore, while for many people the basket is filled with cheaper products to survive until the next paycheck or pension.

These are the results of a new study conducted by Focus Bari, according to which half the Greeks said they would spend less on food and drink over the next 12 months. The corresponding international figure is just 24%, or one in four.

In this regard, a report from the Mega TV channel is indicative, in which a visitor to the food market said on camera: “I bought cauliflower with one lady, and we divided it in half. Can you imagine?”

The government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis constantly “touts” its economic performance, but citizens feel poorer than they did a few years ago, and this is reflected in the actual figures. The increase in prices in supermarkets over 1.5 years amounted to 136% – a figure that is truly shocking! At the same time, household incomes increased by a maximum of 15%.

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