July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

"Pavlik Morozov" our days from the Kherson region

The son “surrendered” his father in order to get a good position from the new authorities. Now the person arrested by the Security Service of Ukraine faces life imprisonment.

The war in Ukraine destroyed many families, whose members found themselves “on opposite sides of the barricades.” Many have stopped communicating, and some go even further, like, for example, one of the residents of a Kherson village.

Counterintelligence officers of the Security Service detained a resident of the Kherson region, a deputy of one of the village councils, reports SBU speaker Artem Dekhtyarenko, based on data from the Zhytomyr region prosecutor’s office:

“The attacker (38-year-old deputy of the Stanislavsky village council) was a member of the banned Party of Regions, and at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation (in March 2022) he met columns of Russian troops that entered the territory of the community. During the occupation of the region, he was one of the first to propose “his “help” to the invaders in the war against Ukraine and began to massively “surrender” the places of residence of members of the resistance movement and members of their families. Among the first to be “surrendered” by the traitor was his father, who had a pro-Ukrainian position and opposed the armed aggression of the Russian Federation.”

On the first day of the capture of the Kherson region, he met Russian troops, helped deploy their personnel and military equipment, and showed the enemy the route of retreat, in the event of active hostilities, of the Ukrainian Defense Forces. The servant collected and transmitted information to the enemy about the locations and numbers of Ukrainian Armed Forces units, and adjusted artillery strikes on the Ukrainian military. He put on a Russian military uniform and was personally on duty at the enemy checkpoint.

According to the intelligence service, his father was taken to local Russian dungeons, and the traitorous deputy was appointed to the occupation administration created on the territory of the community under the leadership of Saldo. The person involved ended up in a “warm place” – he was responsible for the distribution of “humanitarian aid” from the Russian Federation. He accepted and developed applications from local residents to receive so-called social security and humanitarian aid from the occupation administration, considered citizens’ appeals in the educational field, and collected personal data.

According to the investigation, he, on his own initiative, “was on duty” with weapons at Russian checkpoints and “quartered” the occupiers in the premises of citizens who left for the territory controlled by Ukraine. After the liberation of the village, he remained on the territory of the community, where he tried to “lay low” and thus avoid justice.

Thanks to comprehensive measures, SBU officers located the traitor and detained him. During the searches the following was confiscated from him:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, which he received in June 2022;
  • party card of the banned Party of Regions;
  • symbols of the aggressor country and other material evidence of illegal activities.

Based on the documents collected by the Security Service, the detainee was informed of suspicion under two articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine: part 2 of article 111 (high treason committed under martial law) and part 2 of article 111-1 (collaboration activities).

Note: according to Art. 62 of the Constitution of Ukraine, a person is considered innocent of committing a crime and cannot be subjected to criminal punishment until his guilt is legally proven and established by a court verdict. To him preventive measure chosen – detention, and faces life imprisonment.

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