July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Baby trafficking in Chania: a newborn was sold to an Australian woman

In the neonatal ward of the General Hospital of Chania there is a baby receiving necessary medical care, who was born a few days ago from a surrogate mother who was involved in a “child trafficking” scheme uncovered last August in Chania (Crete).

As flashnews.gr reports, legally this is a “complicated” case, since the baby will “suffer” because establishing the identities of his biological parents is an unsolvable mystery.

This is due to the fact that the child was the result of fertilization of an egg (probably donated) and sperm from a sperm bank, and then was conceived by a surrogate mother who collaborated with “child traffickers”.

According to the same information, the mentioned baby, born in Chania, has a “customer” from Australia, who even paid a considerable amount to representatives of a child trafficking gang. In fact, the woman has all the necessary notarial documents that give her the right to take the child to her country and raise him as her own.

The prosecutor’s office is currently looking into this and other similar cases. The incidents, as it began to become clear during the investigation, have completely different parameters, versions and schemes, depending, of course, on the case and the relationship of the clients with potential parents or child traffickers.

Reportedly, on November 23, the Single Court of First Instance of Chania will decide on custody of two twin babies who were taken from hospital by their Italian parents last August. But the cases are many and will be decided in courtrooms, as will what happens next to the group’s temporarily detained leaders, who are expected to be tried in the new year.

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