September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The generator at the main hospital in Gaza has stopped running out of fuel.

The Ministry of Health and the chief doctor of the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza announced that the main generator at the medical facility was stopped due to a lack of fuel for it.

How writes The BBC, citing a statement by the head of the hospital, Dr. Atef Kahlut, the main generator stopped on Wednesday evening, November 1. While the backup is operating, supplying electricity to some departments, electromechanical equipment throughout the hospital is turned off, including ventilation in operating rooms, an oxygen station and refrigerators in the morgue.

Israel does not allow fuel supplies to the Gaza Strip, fearing that Hamas armed groups will take it for their own needs. Meanwhile, the Indonesian Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip is one of the main medical facilities in the area.

This week, a State Department spokesman said the United States hopes to soon reach an agreement on humanitarian fuel supplies to the Gaza Strip. He accused Hamas of having large reserves of fuel but not sharing it with civilians, in particular with hospitals.

Gaza’s Ministry of Health and hospital officials have been warning that fuel for hospital generators will soon run out since October 11, when Gaza’s only power plant shut down. Israel previously called on civilians to evacuate the north of the enclave, where the Indonesian hospital is located, but this is not possible for doctors and medical facilities. When there is an acute shortage of fuel for generators, doctors carry out operations in the corridors.

The United Nations is calling on Israel to open additional crossing points for humanitarian aid into Gaza. But Israeli authorities are inviting Hamas to share the fuel it uses to launch rockets into Israel with hospitals. Israel considers Gaza civilians to be human shields for militants who set up command posts in the basements of medical facilities.

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