November 9, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Unemployment benefits: increase in the first half of 2024

The program to increase unemployment benefits is expected to be implemented in the first half of 2024.

According to the information, unemployment benefits will be directly related to wages, as well as the work and insurance experience of the unemployed. Proposals being considered by the Ministry of Labor include: increasing the amount of unemployment benefits and linking them to the average salary of an unemployed person over the past few years.

As noted, in During the first six months of unemployment, the benefit amount is set close to the average salary. In the future, the amount will gradually decrease and by the end of the subsidy period it will reach the current level (479 euros).

Main difference The new provision is that the amount of the benefit will be tied to the wages that the unemployed person received while working. In fact, he will be paid the average salary for last years before losing my job.

A percentage of this amount will be the unemployment benefit he will receive.. In the first six months, the newly unemployed will be assigned a benefit in the amount of approximately 60% of the average salary in recent years. In the remaining months, unemployment benefits will return to the current basis. Let us remind you that from April 1, unemployment benefits are set at 479 euros. This will be the minimum limit that will be set for the provision of this benefit, below which not a single unemployed person will “fall”.

Today, unemployment benefits are paid for a period of 5 to 12 months, depending on the number of days the citizen has worked. The subsidy amount is fixed for everyone (479 euros) and is tied to the minimum wage.

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