July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Why is the US increasing its presence in the Middle East?

The New York Times: The United States is doubling down on its presence in the Middle East to curb the expansion of the conflict.

NYT asserts, citing sources that the United States wants to keep Hezbollah, Syria and Iran from entering the conflict. In this regard, as the publication learned, the second aircraft carrier group of the US Navy is sent to the eastern Mediterranean to deter hostile actions against Israel – the aircraft carrier Gerald Ford will soon be joined by the Dwight Eisenhower.

In addition, the Air Force is transferring ground squadrons of F-16, A-10 and F-15 fighters to the Persian Gulf: together with aircraft carrier groups, they will form an air armada of more than a hundred attack aircraft. With such actions, Washington hopes to prevent a larger regional conflict.

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