July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

British woman given suspended sentence for scandal on board plane

A court in Thessaloniki sentenced a British woman to 17 months in prison for drunkenly causing a row on board an airplane, causing the captain to make an emergency landing.

A three-member criminal court found the brawler guilty of obstructing aviation traffic, disrupting order on an airplane, and violating an order from the captain of an aircraft.

In her defense, the 61-year-old defendant apologized for her behavior, which she explained by taking medication. She also stated that she drank alcohol on board the flight from Glasgow, Scotland to the Turkish city of Antalya.

In statements read to the court, the pilot and flight attendant said that the accused attacked crew members with screams and blows, even tried to bite them, and she inflicted injuries on herself by hitting her face on the seat. Despite the crew’s attempts to calm the accused, including with the help of oxygen, she continued to behave aggressively.

After the pilot was forced to make an emergency landing at Thessaloniki airport, the British woman (accompanied by her husband, who was present in court) was arrested by police.

After this, the plane continued on its way to its destination.


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