July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Snakes in Thessaly forced the closure of a primary school

A primary school in the village of Farkadona had to be closed due to the appearance of snakes in the school building. Their invasion is linked to flooding in central Greece caused by two storm fronts in September.

The Zarkos primary school in the municipality of Farkadona (Thessaly) will be closed for two days because three snakes and one viper were found in the school building, reports Trikalanews.gr. Pupils, teachers and parents were horrified to discover snakes at Zarkos Primary School in Farkadona Municipality, one of the villages submerged during Cyclone Daniel.

The local education authorities were notified and immediately took action to close the school for at least two days by sending a special team to remove the snakes. On Wednesday and Thursday, students will continue to study via distance learning.

The presence of snakes is explained by the flood, since Zarkos remained in a dry place, but was surrounded by water for a long time. As a result, the snakes, escaping from the water, entered the territory of the settlement, including the school, local media reported.

According to the principal of Trikala Primary School, there were no cases of bites.

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