July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

15-year-old Adam Kadyrov became "hero of the Chechen Republic"

Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov now has a second “Hero of Chechnya” in his family – he awarded this title to his fifteen-year-old son.

This is the highest award in Chechnya, Radio Liberty reports, and the decrees on the award are signed by the head of the republic. I wonder for what merits the teenager was awarded the heroic title? Apparently, for “heroic beating“in the pre-trial detention center of Nikita Zhuravl, detained for burning the Koran in the Russian Volgograd. It is no coincidence that Ramzan Kadyrov, the first holder of the title “Hero of Chechnya,” could not contain his emotions then:

“Without exaggeration, yes, I am proud of Adam’s actions. He was always distinguished by the desire to grow not among his peers, but among his elders, thanks to which he formed adult ideals of honor, dignity and defense of his religion. I respect his choice.”

Kadyrov’s right hand, State Duma deputy Adam Delimkhanov on Telegram wrote:

“It is with great pleasure that I congratulate my DEAR NEPHEW… Adam Ramzanovich Kadyrov on being awarded the highest title of the Chechen Republic – Hero of the Chechen Republic.”

He called Adam “an example of an exceptionally literate, well-rounded and purposeful young man” and also noted his success in mixed martial arts and shooting.

Let us recall that a violent reaction in the media and social networks was caused by a video in which Adam Kadyrov in a Grozny pre-trial detention center beats a defendant, 19-year-old native of Ukraine Nikita Zhuravl, who was arrested for burning the Koran.


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