July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

In Volos they mixed up the dead and buried someone other than their own

A tragic mistake mobilized the police to begin an investigation – it was not “their” deceased relative who was buried in Volos.

Numerous grieving relatives – husband, children, grandchildren – gathered for the funeral service of the 82-year-old woman in the Church of St. George Iolkos in Volos. At some point, the granddaughter of the deceased noticed that the woman in the coffin looked little like her grandmother, to which the relatives assured that after death, facial features change, tells newsbeast.gr. The deceased was buried in the cemetery.

Yesterday morning, funeral home employees went to the morgue of the Volos hospital to pick up a 97-year-old woman for burial, but her body was not found. But it turned out that the woman buried the day before had previously been in this place, with the data indicated on the tag, in the refrigerator of the morgue.

As it turned out during the investigation, the undertaker on duty at Achillopuleia changed the position of the deceased in the cold cells and did not update the data in the record book. The shocked relatives of the buried woman learned that they had buried a complete stranger…

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