July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Ukraine: anti-stress cartoons for children

In war-torn Ukraine, children have the hardest time. Their usual life was taken away from them, from some of their relatives and friends, every day an air raid alarm sounds frighteningly, fragments of death-carrying rockets fall on their homes. Children’s psyche is especially vulnerable, and it is not easy to cope with stress.

Specialists have created an anti-stress cycle of six cartoons designed to help children – “The Way of a Superhero”. They are freely available on the YouTube channel, each of them has its own story about a child who survived difficult times, who managed to cope with a difficult challenge.

The videos will help both children who continue to live in Ukraine and those who left the country, but are still in a stressful state, according to the representative office of the international charitable organization Caritas Ukraine. The creators of the project say:

“The cycle of cartoons “The Way of the Superhero” is built in accordance with the Basic PH multimodal model. This is a multidimensional model of coping with stress and finding inner stability, developed by Professor Muli Laad, Director of the Israel Center for Stress Prevention. She shows different styles, ways of how a person can deal with stress and crisis.”

The Basic PH model describes six elements that make up a person’s characteristic coping style:

philosophy of life, beliefs and moral values;

feelings, emotions;

imagination, intuition and creativity;

society and belonging to it, family and friends;

knowledge, logic, reality and opinions;

physiology, sensory modality and activity.


Each episode of the cartoon reveals one of the elements. The scenarios were developed by 5 practical psychologists and teachers with experience in working with families in difficult life circumstances, as well as with displaced children from 2014 and 2022-2023.

The cartoons were created by the creative team of the Caritas Ukraine Charitable Foundation as part of the project “Psychosocial support for participants in the educational process in wartime conditions in Ukraine” with the support of Caritas Korea.

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