July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

One-year-old baby cried at home alone, neighbors called the police

A 37-year-old woman has been arrested in the center of Thessaloniki for leaving her one-year-old child unattended at home.

The incident, according to police, occurred on June 27 in the morning – the neighbors heard the baby crying loudly and called the rescue service.

As the police established, the mother turned out to be a citizen of Albania, she was arrested. A case has been initiated against a woman for leaving a minor child unattended and assisted.

It is worth noting that in our country such laws are tough, and rightly so. Residents of Greece do not pass by a defenseless child if they see him alone on the street, locked in a car or, as in this case, left at home unattended – they will definitely inform the relevant authorities. Now the unfortunate mother will have to give explanations to law enforcement agencies and for a long time to beat the thresholds of various stations in order to reunite with the baby. Sometimes this process takes many months, writes CNN Greece.

Carelessness and neglect of their parental responsibilities often lead to tragedy. Mother left her 16-month-old daughter alone to go on vacation – baby found dead 10 days later:

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