July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Panathinaikos Stadium to be built in Votanikos

The Hellenic Ministry of Development has received the required letter from EUgiving Panathinaikos the green light to build a stadium in Votanikos. The large-scale project will take place in the context of a double renovation of the sports facility on Alexandras Avenue and a “relocation” to Votanikos.

Officially signed documents for the implementation of an important project giving rise to construction green stadium, which, according to the schedule, will be commissioned within the next 36 months, that is, until July 2026.

The Greek government has informed the EU competition commission about the double reconstruction. The Directorate General of the European Parliament gave the green light on the basis of the European regulation.

The Directorate General for Competition (DG Comp) is responsible for the development and implementation of competition policy in the European Union. DG Competition plays a dual role in enforcing antitrust laws. The Committee was fully informed of the cost of building the stadium in the amount of 115 million euros. Among other things, it was reported that The municipality of Athens has completed the procedures for the designation of the project and the construction of the stadium.

Development and Investment Minister Adonis Georgiadis said: “Today the last issue was resolved. I wish all the inhabitants of Athens, and especially the fans of Panathinaikos, to enjoy the new stadium in the coming years, the construction of which we have finally managed to start. I congratulate the departments of the Ministry of Development and Investment, which dealt with this issue with the European Competition Commission. We are moving forward to create a modernized sports complex in Athens that will change the image of the city.”

The new “football house” of Panathinaikos will have a capacity of 38,500 seats (possibly up to 40,000), will meet international FIFA and UEFA standards, and have 4 stars. It will include 1,300 luxury spaces, 325 underground parking spaces and seven retail outlets, and will be used by the men’s and women’s teams. In addition, sports facilities will be built in Votanikos not only for professionals, but also for “amateurs”.

A green zone will be created around, as well as the necessary urban infrastructure facilities. A pedestrian bridge will be built next to the stadium. And at the metro station and at the Elionas stop, an underpass will be made to facilitate the access of visitors to the sports complex.

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