July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Digitized … childbirth

Data from the Ministry of Digital Governance shows that from February 17, 2020 to February 28, 2023, a total of 248,599 digital birth certificates were registered.

The service is currently well established, with 96% of providers having access to the app digitally declaring the birth of a child immediately at the maternity ward, without any hassle. In fact, in March 2023, 5,975 birth declarations were issued digitally. Of the 131 entities that accessed the app, 126 used it, i.e. this is 96% (88 public hospitals and 43 private clinics).

It is worth noting that the remaining 5 institutions, which, although they received access to the program, but today do not have records in their birth declarations, are health centers that have not had any births so far.

Recall that the process, before it went digital, was particularly time-consuming, involving visits to several services and “languishing in queues.” For this reason, as Minister of Digital Governance Kyriakos Pierrakakis pointed out, the priority fell on the solution of this particular task.

According to the data, from the geographical distribution of digital birth declarations in 13 regions of the country for the period November 2022-March 2023, it follows that 45% of the declarations are registered in the Attica region. In March 2023, 7443 birth certificates were issued. Of these, 6,015 were issued by the relevant registries of the country, 54 by a special registry office in Athens and 1,374 by Greek consulates abroad.

From March 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023, overall, there has been a steady increase in both issuance AMCA for newborns, and the number of newborn registrations in the EFKA register.

Throughout the period, there are high rates of provision of these two electronic services. In fact, in March 2023, 91.19% of the total issuance AMKA newborns in the country were made automatically through a digital birth declaration, while the corresponding percentage of newborn registrations in the EFKA is approximately 86.29% in the same month.

By March 31, 2023, 329,495 applications for child benefits have been submitted to OPEKA, of which 207,445 applications are through the electronic application of a birth certificate, i.e. approximately 63%. In particular, for the period from November 2022 to March 2023, the percentage of requests submitted by the birth declaration subsystem averages approximately 73.18% and increases in March 2023 to 72.99%.

It should be noted that of the total number of applications for birth allowance submitted through the birth declaration subsystem in March 2023: – 4,774 were approved automatically, without citizen intervention – 292 remained pending – 124 were rejected due to non-compliance with one or more criteria, and for 38 requests, it was not possible to complete the application (for example, due to a technical problem during the call).

Comparing the above data with the general situation on requests from previous months, it was found that in March 2023, as in previous months, high percentage of automatically approved applications, reaching 91.32%. The percentage waiting in the same month is about 5.59%, and the percentage of “failed” requests is about 0.73%. As of March 2023 the main reason why applications for birth allowance submitted by the birth declaration subsystem remain pendingis that the household does not meet income criteria (40.48%), followed by the fact that a verified 2022 tax return is not found (21.11%).

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