February 10, 2025

Athens News

News in English from Greece

A white striped tigress named Khasia, who was left near the garbage cans at the Attica Zoological Park some time ago, was euthanized today.

Last Thursday, Jean-Jacques Lesueur, in an interview with iefimerida, announced the decision of the competent veterinarians to euthanize the foundling in order to end his terrible suffering.

According to the management of the Zoological Park of Attica today, the wild animal, which was apparently acquired illegally by unknown people, had serious health problems. Unable to cope with illnesses and restore the vitality of the tigress, she simply thrown near trash cans, apparently hoping that “specialists at the zoo will somehow cope with this.” However, despite the fact that the baby was examined, tested and had an MRI, a panel of scientists and veterinarians decided that the wild animal was not viable and could not be cured. Therefore, it was decided to carry out euthanasia (put to sleep).

Announcement: “On February 28, a 4-month-old white tigress was found at the gate of the Attica Zoological Park. By order of the competent authorities, little Khasia was admitted to the institution in order to provide her with the necessary professional care. From the first moment, serious problems were noticed in a wild animal. The park staff and veterinarians were by her side every moment and treated the foundling with great love.

In search of hope for recovery and a quality life, as befits a tiger, the animal underwent specialized tests. The results of the imaging studies, blood tests, and history were immediately sent to the competent authorities, and then to specialized centers in Europe, America and Africa (AAP, Born Free, Panthera Africa, The Wildcat Sanctuary, 4Paws). The purpose of contacts with the above centers (when sending all the tests) was to study the possibility of transferring the animal to one of them for further maintenance and treatment.


The responses received from these centers ruled out such a possibility. The Ministry of the Environment set up a committee of 12 Greek veterinarians who issued an opinion based on medical data that determined the health of the tiger cub. Unfortunately, serious incurable and painful genetic problems, incompatible with an elementary quality life, prompted both the Greek veterinarians who were members of the committee, and foreign experts unanimously recommend euthanasia. Which, in their opinion, was “the only way out,” as is often the case when an animal suffers with no hope of improvement.

Following the final order of the authorities, in the presence of veterinarians from the East Attica region, little Khasia today painlessly left this world. In connection with the tragic history of Khasia (who has suffered in her short life), we declare the need to combat the smuggling of wild animals in our country and activate the efforts of the competent authorities in this direction.”

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