July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Nea Smirni: a large-scale fire in a restaurant from an explosive device. Video (complemented)

A major fire broke out in a restaurant located on the first floor of a residential building in the Athens district of Nea Smyrni, on Eleftheriou Venizelou Street. Witnesses speak of an explosive device thrown through a broken window. There are people injured.

The incident took place at dawn today at 04:30, the fire brigade, police and three ΕΚΑΒ ambulances arrived on the scene. Firefighters began to evacuate residents from the apartment building. Among them is a mother with a small child. One victim was taken to hospital with burns.

The fire has spread to some apartments located above the restaurant, firefighters pour water on the upper floors. Both traffic lanes on Venizelu Street are blocked.

Witnesses claim that the fire broke out after arson. According to the cleaning lady of the establishment and the woman living in the house, two or three people broke the window pane, threw something inside, and immediately a fire broke out, which spread in the restaurant and the upper apartments.

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