July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Car chase with robbers in the center of Athens

The police chased a car with robbers in the center of Athens for 20 minutes, but despite the fact that the fugitives had an accident, they failed to catch them…

It all started around eight o’clock on Sunday evening, after two robberies were committed within 25 minutes at gas stations: at 161 Konstantinoupoleos Street in Kolonos and at 51 Retsina Street in Kaminia (Piraeus). Attackers at gunpoint immobilized customers and employees of gas stations, and took away the day’s proceeds. The employees notified the police and also gave a description of the vehicle used by the perpetrators. Patrol cars and motorcyclists searched the area of ​​​​the center of Athens, until at some point, on Kifisos Avenue in the Treis Gefires area, a car matching the signs was found.

A car with three passengers, which was in the field of view of the police, increased speed and tried to escape. But on Acharnon Street in Patisia, the driver lost control and crashed into a parked car. The three suspects then opened the doors and fled through the narrow streets of the area.

The police officers who arrived at the scene, after searching the car, found that it had been stolen a few days ago from Kipseli, and inside they found a dummy pistol and a full-face mask. The car will be checked in forensic laboratories for fingerprints and genetic material from the perpetrators, and an investigation will be conducted into the possibility that its occupants have found “sanctuary” in a house near where they left their car.

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